By creating a simple website, you may able to promote your business online. In order to create these websites, lots of money may not be required. Payment gateways and other advanced elements may not be necessary also. If you have a qualified web designer and copywriter then you can easily put up a website with SEO features.
In case of designs, it must be integrated internally. Through videos and images, customers can be attracted easily in comparison to the text. Do you like to incorporate an excellent web design? Through this article, you may able to get an idea on how one page website can work in your favor.
Tips 1: Look at the background
Following to the launch of a website, background of the home page may be the first thing that is noticed by the customer. Few years ago, web designers have been giving more importance on the neutral images and wallpapers with single tone. However, more active home page is preferred now whether it is a website for weight loss or a product.
So, it is better to go with the pastel tone. For the background, animation must not be used as it may not be able load properly in all browsers every time.
Tips 2: Proper color and font size
Instead of bold fonts that have been used mostly in the 90s as well as early 2000s, trend of minimalism can be noticed now-a-days. By looking at the most of the iOS application, you may able to get an idea. For both web development and mobile app development, minimalistic designs have become essential.
Regarding the color schemes, experts have recommended for a background harmonization. In case of various display, distortion can be noticed with the hues. Brighter shades may seem neon by some users. As a result, readability of the website may be affected.
Tips 3: Quality UX
Now, it is important to keep an eye on the navigation also. Intuitive navigation may be the ultimate goal for you here. It is a thing that may not be difficult to achieve by an experienced web designers at all. Through logical blocks, all the content must be sub divided. Navigation menu must be placed at the top of page always. By clicking on the items in the navigation, customer must able to reach to the desired destination.
Tips 4: Scrolling
During creation of One Page website, you must give attention to the process of scrolling. In addition to the top-bottom scrolling, there are also ways to scroll automatically from the middle or end of the page as well. Regarding this method, you cannot argue. However, it is better to keep the scrolling method traditional. Movement of the background image may happen slowly in comparison to the elements on the fore front. Scroll bar must move smoothly.
Tips 5: Mobile Friendly Website
Use of Content Management System like WordPress is mostly seen for the creation of single page website. Therefore, issues may not be noticed with the mobile adaptation. In order to build a website from the scratch, custom engine can be used also. On the occasion, adaptive design must be incorporated to scale up and down according to the mobile devices.