Millions of people are asking themselves everyday what should be posted now. In case you have been researching about this then you may able to comprehend what we have been talking about. It is important to post content regularly that is relevant at the time. On the occasion, we can tell you that there is no need to write anything by yourself. It is possible to find a lot of content writers that are capable enough of highlighting your products or services. Here, we are trying to say that you do not need tons of content to keep your site active.
Here, we are talking about content curation which is an excellent alternative to the creation of content. However, you should not use plagiarized content on your website at all
What should be posted?

On the occasion, you can share link of the content that has been written by others regarding your industry, products or any such relevant or general topics. Good content source must be utilized always. In case the content is embedded then it can be embedded in your site also. It is possible to give links of tutorials, reviews, embedded videos and meme videos also. If the content is relevant and appears well in your website then it can easily utilized. Link of the competitor’s site can be utilized also if there is something of your worth. Here, some of the traffic may be directed to your competitor. However, they may respond to the favor with kindness also. In this way, cross promotion may be done.
Where to post?

Content must be posted on your website definitely. In addition, you can utilize your social media accounts on the occasion too. Through the process, you may able to appear on other’s social media feed also. It is better not to post everything. Best possible link must be found out and utilized. Visitors can be invited to your site in the process to let them know more about you. To the visitor, valuable service must be offered.
In case, links are posted on the social media then the people may become bored easily. It is necessary to interact with your followers. Like and dislikes of the followers can be known to some extent as well. If the followers like the content then you may able to get more business in the future.
Format and Organization

Now, you must think about the representation of these links. First, you should decide how much of your content should be original and percentages of the content that must be curated. Style of the blog must be decided also.
If you are only concentrating about the links then few things must be remembered. Do you like to include text based and visual based content? Is it necessary to add commentary with all the content? Do you want discussion generated by the user on your website?
Finding answer to these queries, you must incorporate everything through your web design.