For Enterprise SEO, CDN has become a standard. CDN value increases as more investments are made through content marketing. SEO professional may tell you the fact clearly that speed is extremely important for the improvement of a website. It creates an impact on the user experience and overall page ranking as well.
Lot of importance is given by Google on the page experience. Therefore, organizations must take advantage of it. Last few updates from Google have introduced elements such as speed, page experience and content experience.
If the content takes a long time to render then it is more likely that you user will abandon you. In addition to the UX functionality, CDN offers a security layer also. Secured encryption, data distribution and transfer can be ensured along with traffic load balance. As a result, the website can be saved from DDoS cyber attacks. On the occasion, a traffic surge is created that overload and crashes the website.

What to Look for
One of the first things to know is whether the CDN is faster than your original website or not. It is also important to see that large payloads and smaller ones are delivered in exactly same way. On following metrics, you can test
DNS response time: Instead of testing in-house for DNS, it is better to include the end users also. In this way, you may able to know whether DNS setup of complex nature is making the user wait for a long time or not.
Performance at the peak hour: If the website suffers from fluctuation of traffic on certain day of the week then it is better to perform a pressure test upon the CDN to know about its response during pressure.

Connect Time: On the occasion, you must see impact on the connectivity, zero packet loss and low latency.
Wait Time with the lesser popular asset: Shared environment is seen with the CDN. Therefore, it is important to make sure that less popular assets are also retrieved in comparison to the popular ones.
Cache Hit and Miss: Ratio of Cache can be seen from the dashboard easily. It is better not to observe lot of requests coming to origin.

Throughput: It is a metric that should not be lesser than the original for any given asset.
API Integrations: Investment can be made future proof with a CDN that can be configured with the existing software.
As far as CDN service provider is concerned it is better to look for one with the largest as well as diverse network. Server locations should be capable of fulfilling request of the audience.