For a SEO professional, it may not be easy to tell the client that their site is slow or not quite up to the mark. Issues can be seen with content in the site also on which lots of money has been spent already. In this situation, help of the content delivery network or CDN can be taken.
If you like to invest in high quality content then it is better to think about the digital asset management properly and investment upon CDN as well.
Benefits of CDN

Performance of the website can be determined on how videos and images are integrated within the website. It is applied for stock photography, stylized shot and videos also. It is better to look at CDN as an EZ-Paas. CDN can also work as traffic intersection between multiple paths. Diverse types of servers and internet service providers can be offered path to manage website traffic from various sources.
Traffic and assets are passed back and forth. Instead of waiting for each asset to load on the individual page, assets are called up for the page load. It can be done through multiple servers in different parts of the world instead of relying on single one.
Cache files are ready to be loaded as soon as it is called for. In the way, load time of the website is reduced also. Delivery path is lessened at the same time.
Instead of taking a slow back road, you can take a jump with CDN due to help from EZ-Pass. By enhancing speed and efficacy, traffic routes are optimized by CDN.
Cost of using CDN

Similar to any marketing solutions, lots of variables can be seen with CDN also. If the content load is big then the solution may become more expensive also. Therefore, using CDN may not be effective for a relatively smaller website. By manually optimizing the images and other assets, cost can be saved.
However, medium and large enterprises should invest in a good CDN solution. Content is generated and sprawled quite rapidly on the occasion. Therefore, process of manual optimization may not be effective at all. It may become hard to manage web properties also.
For a medium sized company, it may not be hard to pay around $200 a month. In case of enterprise level solution, customized quotes can be obtained easily.

Due to these customized CDN solutions, you can be offered some added security features also in addition to the user data, enhanced analytics, up time guarantee, cache options and enhanced delivery. In this way, a positive experience can be offered even if the website is quite large.
Based on the location, difference in the CDN cost can be seen too. Server issues can make an impact also.