Why more traffic to your website is not always good for your business

Improving traffic to your website is one of the most primary goals of organic search engine optimization. It is the job of the SEO professional to accomplish the goal.

More eyeballs are gained for the website of the client. Technical optimization is implemented. Strategy on the content marketing is planned in addition to some recommendation off-page.

In the SEO report, organic traffic is mostly highlighted. It is a metric that determines the performance of a website.

Increasing the traffic is the foundation of a good organic strategy. However, enhancement in traffic may not deliver positive results always. More traffic may not be good in following situation.

User may not get what they want as there is disparity in intent

Specific topics are searched by the user quite often. On the occasion, your website may rank high with this query. Therefore, leads may be driven to your page. However, content may not match with the intent of the client.

Therefore, client may leave your page almost immediately. Positive experience is not created for the client in the process.

Google algorithm has been improving constantly to create better experience for the searcher always. Query from the searcher is matched. However, it may not be perfect always. If a searcher comes for something to your site and leaves the site quickly then it may influence the high bounce rate. If a searcher spends lesser time with your site then it can affect the metrics onsite also.

As a result, negative signals may be sent to Google algorithm. It may indicate the fact that your website is not ideal according to the queries and search.

Poorly executed content strategy

In case the house is in a mess then it may not be ideal to organize a party at the same location. On the occasion, guest may not like the atmosphere.

Similar thing can be noticed with the website traffic also. If you attract customers without maintaining the foundation of the website then the user may not stay with you for long. On the occasion, they may not like to come back to your website also.

Due to slow rate of loading a website and lack of mobile friendly features, users may not like to visit your site.
Soon, Google is going to launch Page Experience Update in order to know how it has been serving the visitors that have been obtained through organic search.

Search engine optimization must be done in an organized manner before attracting traffic to the website.

Traffic and Conversion

Most occasions debate among the people can be seen among the people on what is important – traffic or conversion?
SEO strategy must be created not only to gain traffic but also increasing conversion rate. If conversion rate is not increased then it may harm the ROI of business.

If there is an increase in traffic without significant improvement in the conversion rate then you may not be obtaining good organic result.

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