Kids bring lot of joy, laughter, excitement and love to your life. They are the future. Due to this reason, kids must be protected and nurtured properly. So when it comes to websites, measures must be taken in order to show that the kids are in good hands.

Create a website that is family friendly
For the web designers, it is necessary to remember that kids are also present in the platform of Internet. Sometime, parents leave their children in front of the computers, laptops and smart phones in order to do complete some personal and professional job within home. Children are needed to be kept busy with something. Internet is a great option on the occasion. However, parental control may be required at the same time.
Now, the question is how much kid friendly attributes must be added to the website. In case of a professional and corporate site, it may not be a difficult job at all. By design, corporate website is never offensive. However, it may be a little boring for the kids.
During creation of the website, culture plays a very important role. News sites are always disturbing in nature. In case of a site about contemporary music and culture, it may be more apt for adult. Discussions may be seen mostly about human experiences. For the children, this kind of website may be a good place to start. Music or culture based website need not be filled with the adult tone.
For the children, censorship must be introduced. However, it may not be a good idea to implicate it in case of general public. Kids need not to know about the terrifying big world. As the kids turn old, ideas about of different facets of life can be introduced to them very slowly.

Age Verification is a futile exercise
Prior to opening of a website, asking for the age is only a legality that one needs to fulfill. However, it is not possible to say whether the kids are giving out their real age or not. In case of a social media, this sort of verification is noticed at the time of sign up. On the occasion, you need to be 13 years of age at least.
Verification on the age over internet has become a mere performa. In terms of legality, you may be safeguarded by the law on the occasion. However, it cannot stop the kids below the age to enter the website.

Moderation is important
Kids are easily impressionable. Therefore, browsing different kinds of sites may create an impact on them. Through a community activity, you can moderate the content for the kids. Young members within community are the priority here as they are vulnerable.