How to incorporate brand essence into the website

Different elements add to the brand essence of your company website. Through variety of modes, you can include brand essence to a company. Using a color, emotional response can be obtained from the customer. Unique tone is generally added to the brand. There are various ways through which you can make your company special.

Use of standard template is seen while creating a website. Therefore, it can be a challenge to make your brand unique while maintaining the uniformity of structure.

On-Page SEO

Using the brand color consciously

Brand color is definitely an essential part of the brand essence. Due to use of color Red, energy can be added to the website. By looking at the golden logo of McDonalds, you can definitely feel a sense of joy as well as nourishment.
Color psychology has played an important part in case of developing a brand asset. Staring from the packaging to logo, everything should be done with the same hue. Keeping these things in the mind, you must use color on your website. It is better to keep the same shade with the online digital environment.

Understand about your type

In addition to the color, typography and fonts are also elements that the customer can recognize while trying to understand about your business. Lots of different fonts can be found. However, a specific font must be utilized across all the channels of marketing for your brand.

For the header text, one font can be utilized while body text can be highlighted with slightly different font. Both the text in the heading and body must be clear. It should be easy to read on any device. In this way, your appeal on the target audience can be maintained easily. Through the choice of font, a statement regarding company can be made also. Use of modern sans serif showcases cleanliness and forward thinking style.

Title Tag

Understanding Image

If you use stock images on your website then it may appear fake and cliché. Respect from the customers cannot be earned in this way. It is important to make sure that every image on your website expresses some kind of emotion. Personality of the brand can be highlighted too. Value should be conveyed through every element of your website. Since, there are real humans behind every product. Therefore, it must be highlighted with the pictures too.

Alt Text

Use Right Tone

Most of the brand becomes stuck with the color and logo when they come to showcase about their brand essence. However, customer often gives more importance on the tone. Online personality of the brand is usually created in the process. Through use of the word within the website, image of the brand can be set too.

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